Thursday 1 September 2011


 part 1
given that LOGten2=0.3010 and LOGten3=0.04771.calculate
without using mathematical
tables or calculator the value
of [a]logten4[b]logten60

[2a]simplify 1/3 race over 5 x

X 9x-1X27x+1 [b]the sum of d

ages of a man his son is
46years in 4 year years
time,the ratio of their ages
will be 7:2 find present ages

[3]the sides of a rectangular

floor are Y M and (y+7)m.the
diagonal is (y+ m,cal in
meter (a)the value of y;(b)
the area of the floor

[4a]if U=

{y:y is an integer 2<y<10} A
{y:y is a prime number}B{y:y is
a multiple of 3} (i)find AUB(ii)
list the elements of set AnB[B]
5/6 of a class of 60 students
study maths and 3/5 study
econs every student studies at
least one of these many students
study both subject?

[5a]if four number p,q,r,s are

in the ratio of 3:4:5:6,find the
value of 8p-4s/7q+3r [b]a
trapezium of sides 10cm,21cm
and height 8cm is inscribed in a
circle of radius 7cm cal the
area of d region not occupied
by d trapezium (take^=8.142)


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