Thursday 25 August 2011


 (1a)identify the specimens in i & ii above anwsa=specimen i is throcic vertebra anterior view and specimen ii is lumber vertebra prosterior view (1b)identify d parts labeled A-O in diagram i & ii above anwsa=u must know all d labeled part. (C) stat two differeces btw spe i n ii (d)stat two important of i n ii [2a]identify the specimen above .anwsa =sacral vertebra [b]identify the parts labeled A-K [c]give three types of movable joints [d]state two xteristic of d specimen [3a] wat is d aim of d experimental setup above? Anwsa =osmosis using in living tissue [b]name the part labeled A-B anwsa =sugar solution nd living tissue. [c]mention any other material apart 4rm yam that can b used to perform d experiment. [4]define the following terms (i)osmotic pressure (ii)isotonic solution (iii)hypertonic solution (iv)hypotonic solution (v)plasmolysis (vi)osmotic potential (vii)turgidity. [4b] state 3 conditions necessary for osmosis to occurs [5a]using the space below,set up an experiment to demonstrate diffusion in a liquid medium [5b]what is diffusion? [5c]state 3 conditions that can speed up the rate of diffusion. [6a]wat is the aim of the experimental set up above answa=EXPERIMENT TO DEMOSTRATE TRANSPIRATION PULL identify the parts labeled A-F in d diagram [c]define the following terms i transpiration pull ii active transport iii root pressure [c]stat two precautions that shuld be taken during the experiment.


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