The Case of Facebook Hacking keep waxing high, I Receive Mails from People Online complaining that their Facebook Account has been Hack, I Guess it was due to Negligence on their own Part.
Facebook Account is very easy to Secure, All what you just have to do is to be very Careful and always watch before you do! Follow this 2 Steps to Keep your Facebook Account Secure.
1.» You must make Use of a very Strong Password on your Facebook Account e.g TFa+\$n;7, You can Learn How to Generate a Strong Password for Yourself, See Here to Learn How to.
2.» Becareful on the Links on your Wall, e.g Some Links tell you How many peeps check your Profile, and all that...Mehn Ignore them completely and if possible Remove them so that your Friends wont Fall a Victim.
3.» Sometimes You have a Link Posted on your Wall or sent to you via Inbox claiming to this or that, You can click to check the Link to see what it contain, It might be a Useful link, but Ignore it once you click on it and it shows Facebook Login Page asking you too Login before you can continue... Don't Understand? Ok, Am a Webmaster and i know How Website Design Goes, If you are Login in into a Website and your are already on the Site, You wont be ask to Login again unless you Sign-out.
Most Hackers used this No 3 Options to get Username & Password from People, They will send a Link to Page to you & once you Login through the Page, Your Facebook email & password will be Sent into his Own Email Inbox and Now he has your Details, he can Login and change your Details.
Take this Security Measures Faster! Prevention is better than Cure.
Facebook Account is very easy to Secure, All what you just have to do is to be very Careful and always watch before you do! Follow this 2 Steps to Keep your Facebook Account Secure.
1.» You must make Use of a very Strong Password on your Facebook Account e.g TFa+\$n;7, You can Learn How to Generate a Strong Password for Yourself, See Here to Learn How to.
2.» Becareful on the Links on your Wall, e.g Some Links tell you How many peeps check your Profile, and all that...Mehn Ignore them completely and if possible Remove them so that your Friends wont Fall a Victim.
3.» Sometimes You have a Link Posted on your Wall or sent to you via Inbox claiming to this or that, You can click to check the Link to see what it contain, It might be a Useful link, but Ignore it once you click on it and it shows Facebook Login Page asking you too Login before you can continue... Don't Understand? Ok, Am a Webmaster and i know How Website Design Goes, If you are Login in into a Website and your are already on the Site, You wont be ask to Login again unless you Sign-out.
Most Hackers used this No 3 Options to get Username & Password from People, They will send a Link to Page to you & once you Login through the Page, Your Facebook email & password will be Sent into his Own Email Inbox and Now he has your Details, he can Login and change your Details.
Take this Security Measures Faster! Prevention is better than Cure.